Please note COTS will be closing in September 2025.
Our books our always open to potential surrogates, you are welcome. There is no cost for a surrogate to join us.
Please note that I have set up a new independent Surrogacy Advice Line. Call me on 0333 772 3539 for more info or visit my website
Other surrogacy groups you could possibly try are SUK, My Surrogacy Journey (MSJ) Nappy Endings & Brilliant Beginnings.
Please note they all have long waiting lists and unfortunately charge a lot more for their services.
IVF for Intended Parent and Surrogate Teams with 100% refund
TEL 0333 234 0895
(local c0333 234 0895all rate)
03330333 234 0895 234 0895
cal call rate)
0333 234 0895
IVF treatment for surrogacy teams with 100% refund if you don’t have a baby*
Available for both heterosexual and same sex couples, single men/women who are in a team with a surrogate utilising a known or unknown egg donor (including use of intended parent’s own eggs)
Free initial screening and no waiting lists
Working with top clinics and consultants around the UK and abroad
Plans include all treatment and medication
Avoid NHS waiting times and other restrictions
Finance options available on all plans